Wednesday, February 27, 2013

A little too late

Every parent wants great photos of their kids. It doesn't matter who you are, what you do, how you do it, you still want those great images to pass down to future generations. Or at least I do. However, being that I have an addiction to photography, I rarely put my camera down. Ever!

Today, I spent the evening at the beach with my two favorite boys. ALL I wanted to do was capture a few fantastic images of my son. I mean c'mon, it was his first time at the beach since he was 6 months old. This was his first time really getting to go on an adventure and experiment with the elements.

I spent an hour being my son's paparazzi. He had a blast, but I didn't. I couldn't manage to get any shots that just spoke to me. I was too focused on the technicalities to enjoy myself. I ended up giving up. I grabbed my blanket, and my camera, and headed back to the car. As I headed back to the beach, my husband informs me that he's ready to go as it's nearing my son's bed time. I reluctantly agreed to go home.

That's when it hit me. I missed the entire experience with my son. His first time at the beach truly enjoying himself, and I missed it all because I was too busy looking through my lens and not directly at him. It's because of this, that I encourage those reading this to spend less time taking that
"perfect photo" and more time creating the "perfect memory". 

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

My visit to see Reilly

A few months back, Reilly of Reilly Maguire Photography and I decided to trade services. She took my family photos and they turned out fanstically. Now it's my turn to return the favor. I visited her this morning to rummage through her closets and to make sure we picked out the best outfits she had. I think I may have even inspired her to do a little shopping. ;)

Here are some shots when everything was said and done, and the kids could be kids.

Kalia howls with her puppy. HOW PRECIOUS?!...

...and then "hops" down the stairs to show off her "masterpiece".

Monday, February 25, 2013

Breastfeeding & Babywearing

Earlier this month, I had the pleasure of photographing several ladies for a breastfeeding and baby wearing event. Here are some of my favorites.

New Blog

Hey there!

First of all, please ignore the background. I picked this out over a year ago. As much as I still love owls, I feel as if I just rolled around in a rainbow.

I've been convinced that I "NEED" a blog, and I fully intend to keep my word by using this one. This is where you'll get to see all of my awesome work, and hear about tid bits of my awesome life with my family. If you're lucky you may even get to experience a giveaway or two. ;) Just maybe.

<3 Jennifer